About Us
Our head personal trainer Julian Stephenson is a qualified personal trainer with over 10 years’ experience and will structure a program for you to meet your needs. Julian has achieved excellent results with his clients who are committed to making a difference to their lives.
If you prefer to do your training either in your home or in an open space, your trainer will bring the equipment needed to you, including a full range of PTP training bands and mobile gymnasium equipment.
When you become a Sanitas client you will know the cost for sessions, the agreed goals for your program and the flexibility to change when life gets in the way. You pay for the sessions you do, not the ones you plan to do.
Our Qualifications:
Level 3 Personal Trainer (Over 10 years’ experience) with AUSactive (see detail below)
Level 2 Strength and Conditioning with Australian Strength and Conditioning Association
Level 1 Rehabilitation Trainer with PT Rehab Trainer
Certification to USA Golf Performance Program for qualified Personal Trainers. (See golf program)
AUSactive Level 3 (Formerly Fitness Australia)
The advanced level represents an exercise professional who has a more progressed level of knowledge and skill and has considerable experience to draw upon. It is expected that a professional at this stage of development can combine the use of competencies, experience and critical thinking skills in practice. This professional is most likely to assume a leadership and mentoring role for other exercise professionals.